So April is here. This is going to be crazy! We'll be in DC for Passover and Easter, then my parents come to State College the next weekend, then Nate's parents come the next weekend. And we even already have plans for that last weekend of April. This will probably help with my neurosis over the fact my child is turning 1 in 3 threes. I won't have much time to really sit and think about it too much. I also have 3 papers to write over the next month (I think). Summer will be here before I know it. I can't wait to get Carrie out in the nice weather and at the pool this year. Hopefully she'll do more than just sit and stare at the water like she did at 2 months old :-) See as how much she enjoys bath time, I think we'll have a good time at the pool.
OH! And how could I forget to mention...Carrie's first hair cut was this weekend! She did an awesome job. She got to sit in a little red car in the salon and enjoyed every minute of it. Tory was great with her. Pictures soon. And hopefully video. I'm currently having a fight with my video camera and computer regarding the upload from the camera to the computer. GRRRRR.